Zoning Hearing Board

3-Year Terms (Appointed)
John Mikulsky, Chairman (2022-2024)
Jon Long, Vice Chairman (2024-2026)
Dean R. Batson, Secretary (2023-2025)
James Scott, (Alternate)
Michael J. Gombar, Esq., Masano Bradley, Solicitor

Please note that all communications with the Township's public officials and staff are presumptively subject to public access under the Right-to-Know Law.

The Zoning Hearing Board is appointed by the Board of Supervisors and is responsible for conducting hearings to render decisions on variances, special exceptions, and zoning appeals.

The Board meets only as needed.  The meetings are advertised in the newspaper, are posted on this website and are physically posted at the subject properties.  There is a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Dunn Community Center.

For further information regarding Zoning Hearing Board issues, you can contact the Engineering Office at 610-779-5702.

Certifications of Order for recent Hearings will be posted below as they become available.

The Exeter Township Zoning Hearing Board (the “Board”) and its members and representatives shall not comment in any fashion, including, without limitation, make any statement, offer an opinion, or respond to a question concerning any matter before the Board, or that potentially may come before the Board.  With regard to any such matter, the Board will communicate, directly or indirectly, with the public or any party or its representatives only upon notice and opportunity for all interested parties to participate in accordance with governing law.